JSR-184 a.k.a. Micro3D a.k.a. Java Mobile 3D

What is Java Mobile 3D?

Definition from
Sony Ericsson developer site:
Java Mobile 3D Graphics (also known as JSR 184) is an API tailored for the generation and presentation of 3D
content on mobile platforms. This section discusses this API and an alternate 3D implementation, HI Corporation’s Mascot Capsule Micro3D version 3 (also known as Micro3D). Sony Ericsson has chosen to implement both API sets, allowing Mascot Capsule Micro3D serve as a migration path for 3D applications until Java Mobile 3D-enabled devices become widely available. Here, we’ll also briefly try to address any possible point of confusion related to the two implementations of 3D Java APIs in Sony Ericsson phones.

M3G is a fun technology to play around for developers, ever in history 3D developement got so easy (well if compared with Direct3D and OpenGL programming)!


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